Feeling guilty? You’re not alone.
by Susan Tomlinson
There’s the version of motherhood the media would have us believe: Instagram parenting, looking glamorous with picture perfect, happy children. And then there’s the reality: the sleepless nights, the endless planning, the worry, the exhaustion, the skivvying. And if you’ve got a job, add the stress of getting out the door on time to make the morning meeting, and running to pick up the kids from nursery or school at the end of the day.
The pressures of being a mum are phenomenal and that feeling of not being or doing enough is never far away. If you work, you feel guilty that someone else is looking after your kids, if you’re a stay at home mum, there’s the guilt of giving up your career.
In fact, recent studies show that almost 90 percent of mothers feel guilty at some point, while 21 per cent feel guilty most or all of the time.
Somehow we have this idea that mothers should be completely selfless – giving to everyone else before themselves. But striving to do so can not only leave you feeling exhausted, it can also have you wondering who you really are outside of this important – and most challenging – of jobs.
All this means that most mums end up catering to everyone else, while putting their own needs on the back-burner. We find it difficult to describe exactly what mothers do right but we have a multitude of language to describe all they do wrong: they’re “neurotic”, a “tiger mum,” a “slummy mummy,” a “martyred mum” and the list goes on.
There’s an old saying that it takes a village to raise a child but mothers too need their village. Studies and research show that just as children need to receive unconditional acceptance, so too, do mothers.
There’s also a saying from the English psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott of the “good enough” mother. He acknowledges a split between the mother’s and child’s needs and sees the tussle between these two as a necessary background for the child to grow and understand the frustrations of life.
Taking a cue from Winnicott, mothers need acknowledgement, understanding and kindness. In short, sometimes, mothers need mothering too.
As a mother and psychotherapist, I wanted to provide a space for mothers to explore the pressures, acknowledge the guilt but also celebrate and reflect on what motherhood means to them.
On November 24th, I am running a workshop at the Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy in Little Venice, with my colleague Celine Champion, called Motherspace. It’s a chance to share with other mothers, breathe a sigh of relief and realise you’re not alone.
If you find yourself rushing between your children, your partner, your family, your boss, with no time for yourself, this is the workshop for you.
If you are interested, please feel free to find out more by contacting me on susan@createspace.buzz or 07986 647317. I’d love to hear from you!

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